I found this symbol drawn on the inside of my steamed up back windows of my car when I awoke along with another symbol. ????? Any thoughts. When I got up close with my phone camera and took a picture, a head of an oxen was seen. But not with the visual eye. Only upon close resolution eith my camera ?????
Thank you for this!
I found this symbol drawn on the inside of my steamed up back windows of my car when I awoke along with another symbol. ????? Any thoughts. When I got up close with my phone camera and took a picture, a head of an oxen was seen. But not with the visual eye. Only upon close resolution eith my camera ?????
Oh, this is interesting! Thank you for this!
Modern Lebanese people are very proud of their Phoenician heritage. Fascinating article, thanks for sharing!
thank you!
do you know the research of professor Silvia Ferrara?
(i.e. The Greatest Invention?)
I certainly do. And I have known Silvia for more than 20 years.
Uh...he made that clear that Elephant comes from Aleph Hindu "Bull of India". He never said Hind means bull. Try reading more carefully next time.