Nice on, Armand. My favourite is probably I. 47-:

Nuper erat medicus, nunc est vispillo Diaulus:

quod vispillo facit, fecerat et medicus.

Diaulus used to be a doctor, they say;

now, he’s an undertaker, be that as it may.

So, what he now does to spirit folk away

he also did - and often - back in the day.

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Thank you!

I’ve also translated that one, as…

Diaulus was of late a doctor true,

Until an undertaker he became.

The things an undertaker has to do -

He did them as a doctor just the same.

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I used to introduce 6th Formers to Martial, ostensibly to practise the elegiac couplet and its metre; they usually clamoured for 'more epigrams'.

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They are moreish, it’s true.

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