I would’ve done anything to see this, so glad a filmed version is coming! When I was a senior in high school, studying drama, part of our course was to - together, as a real independent theatre company - put up a production of whatever play we chose that we could get rights to. I was among those who had an idea, and I presented a (well put together, imo) plan for a production of Oedipus Rex. The one with the winning presentation would be the director. I wanted it to be as close to classical Greek theatre as possible, with the costumes and music and scenery, as we could produce. Ancient Greek theatre is my favourite style, and I spent a lot of time thinking about this production. Sadly, my class didn’t share my ancient sentiments, and chose Clueless (after the movie) instead… I wasn’t surprised (I knew my classmates didn’t share my enthusiasm for Greek theatre) though a little sad. I still have that PowerPoint presentation; my dream would be to one day realise it. Perhaps if I ever get rich, or somehow a high enough rank in local theatre groups, I’ll make it come true with my own company.

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I am even more in awe! What an achievement! Scholarly virtuosity in action in your melody reconstruction.

To what extent are you responsible for the performance?

Respectfully yours,

An old teacher of mathematics

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Am sure it was great ! Was about to ask 'Was it filmed ?' so was chuffed to hear that it was.

Am glad there were English surtitles. Even with knowledge of written Greek, it might be difficult to follow: there is quite a leap from reading to listening.

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I do so hope it will be released.

The Persians performed in 2022 by the Cambridge Greek Play was meant to be released but I am still waiting.

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