The Loveliest Melody
Homer's Filliad
The Invention of Music
Lonesome Sappho
Argos, the Dog of Odysseus
Wonderful Word Origins 2
A Laconic epitaph
Sounds of the Past
A Suite Story
D is for Delta
It's all Greek (and Latin) to me!
Hadrian's Little Poem
For the Love of Dogs
If a Tree Falls...
Memento Mori
The Perfect Epigram
The Wit of Martial
In Praise of Bumf
Delphic Origins
A, B,...C?
Fool me once...
On Education
The Motor Bus
Ode to My Dentist
Getting to B (or not to B)
A Soldier's Tale
Catullus's Sparrow
Translators' Choices
Carpe Diem
A Poem for Mike
Rhythms of Ancient Poetry (5)
Catullus Being Naughty